RedRover Relief

Safe Escape grants

The RedRover Relief Safe Escape grant program helps families with pets safely escape domestic violence together. Funding is mainly provided to help with the cost of temporary pet boarding while a client is in a domestic violence shelter, though other costs associated with boarding (like vaccinations) can be considered. Assistance does not typically cover pet boarding once the client has moved from the safe house into transitional housing.

Applications must be submitted by a domestic violence advocate and we will respond within one business day.

If you are a victim of domestic violence and need immediate assistance:

Due to an overwhelming number of applications, the Safe Escape grant is closed to new requests for assistance through the end of June. The application will reopen on July 1.

Steps to Apply


Eligibility Guidelines

Read the eligibility guidelines below to make sure the situation meets our grant guidelines.


Complete Application

If the situation qualifies for a grant, a shelter advocate may complete the RedRover Relief Safe Escape grant application below.

Eligibility Guidelines

For the safety of the client, applications must be submitted by a domestic violence shelter representative on behalf of the client.
The program is unable to respond to requests by email, phone, fax, or mail.


Client Responsibilities


  • Live in the United States and be actively working with a domestic violence shelter. They should be either currently staying at, or have plans to stay at, a domestic violence shelter.
  • Provide regular updates to domestic violence agency representative regarding pets

Domestic Violence Advocate Responsibilities


  • Establish a plan for how the animal’s needs can be met. Work with the client to find a reasonably priced boarding kennel and/or veterinary clinic and obtain a written estimate for services needed – i.e. vaccinations, boarding, veterinary care. RedRover cannot provide this information to you as we do not know what resources are available in your area.
  • Obtain permission from the client to release information to RedRover. 
  • Contact the kennel and/or veterinarian and request that they provide RedRover with an initial written estimate, as well as a final invoice once RedRover's assistance is complete. Our assistance may be limited depending on the cost of boarding, length of boarding, and number of animals needing boarding. The more expensive the boarding, the more likely that our assistance will be limited. 
  • Submit an online application on behalf of the client.
  • Provide regular updates on whether or not the client is still in shelter.


RedRover will try to cover the cost of vaccinations that are needed for the animal to enter boarding, though that assistance is cost dependent.

We will also consider covering the cost of vaccinations for animals allowed to stay with clients at the domestic violence shelter, provided that shelter has not received a Safe Housing grant from RedRover. This assistance is cost dependent and will not apply if the only animals allowed in shelter are service animals. We do encourage shelters who allow animals to include veterinary care as part of their program budget.

RedRover will make payment for boarding to the kennel and/or veterinarian monthly and will need a monthly invoice. Kennels and veterinarians must be willing to provide a Form W-9 (for tax purposes) if grants exceed $600 in a calendar year.


RedRover cannot help if any of the following apply:


  • The boarding has already been completed and we are being asked to pay the bill.
  • The client is not currently in a domestic violence safe house or working with a domestic violence advocate toward entering a domestic violence safe house. Assistance does not typically cover pet boarding once the client has moved from the safe house into transitional housing.
  • The boarding will be provided by an individual, not a kennel or veterinarian. This includes pet sitting services.
  • The domestic violence shelter has received a RedRover Safe Housing grant and has their own pet program.

    Our business hours are 8:30 - 4:30 Pacific time, Monday - Friday. Applications submitted outside of these hours will be reviewed by our case managers as soon as possible the next business day. We review applications in the order they are received, and try to reply within 1 business day.

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Need additional domestic violence assistance?

Visit RedRover’s resource page for other sources of grant funding for DV shelters and resources for DV survivors.